Monday, August 9, 2010

One Month Old/Trip to Phoenix

One Month Old!

Brayden turned a month old on July 10th! We went to Phoenix for the weekend with some friends.  He did well on the drive out there. We stayed at Luke Air Force base and just hung out for a bit. We went to dinner at a restaurant that our friend had seen on the food network. It was pretty good! We also did a little shopping at BRU since we don't have one in Yuma. We also went to the exchange on base and were pretty jealous at how big it was compared to ours. It's funny how ever since I found out I was pregnant, I graitate right to the baby stuff. I would rather get stuff for Brayden than for myself!

Hanging out in the room

We had a fun weekend, but like always they go too fast and we were headed back to Yuma in no time.
Brayden had his one month appointment on July 12th. We love his pediatrician, he always has good things to say about our little man. He was 9 pounds 4 ounces and 23 inches long! He has grown a lot since he was born, looks like we are doing everything right!
Waiting for Dr. Crawford

So tired from his doctors visit

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