Monday, August 9, 2010

Hey everyone

I am finally getting around to making a blog and updating everyone on what has been going on with us. I moved to Yuma in September of last year to be with Zack. We found out on October 4th that we were pregnant and due in June. We were so excited and of course a little nervous.

34.3 weeks- Kristi Marie Photograhpy
(She did our maternity pictures and Brayden's newborn pics...AMAZING girl and so sweet)
I had a great pregnancy minus the morning sickness and the food aversions of the first trimester. In December, we found out we were having a little boy. We had already agreed on names at that point and were happy to announce to everyone that we were having a little baby Brayden.

On March 13, 2010 Zack and I were married in Lake Tahoe, CA. We wanted a small little ceremony with family and that is just what we got. We were married looking out onto South Lake Tahoe. It was gorgeous!

After our wedding, things got very busy. I was in my third trimester and we were starting to get things ready for our new arrival. In April, I experienced pre term labor and we thought Brayden was going to make his debut at only 32 weeks. I decided then that I needed to take it easy and try not to do so much. We had my baby shower on May 8, 2010. I am so thankful to Sarah and my mom for throwing me such an amazing shower. We had a wonderful time and I really enjoyed seeing everyone and showing off my huge belly.

5/5/10- 35 weeks pregnant
Immediately after the shower, Zack and I moved on base into our new house. The next few weeks were spent cleaning, organizing and getting things ready for Brayden's arrival in just a few weeks.
I continued to work until I was 38 weeks pregnant and was so glad to be done at that point. I was able to be home and do the finishing touches on things.

Sadly, we had to make an emergency trip out to California to see my step dad (Rick). He hadn't been doing well since before my wedding. I was really hoping he would hang on and be able to meet Brayden. I know how excited he was to be a grandpa. I miss him so much and really believe he was there watching over us when Brayden was born. I love you Rick!
4 days later it was time....

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