Monday, August 9, 2010

Brayden's Birth Story

6/8/10- Last belly picture 39 weeks 6 days
I was due on June 9th. I had a feeling Brayden was going to be stubborn and make a late appearance. Tuesday June 8th I cleaned the house and Zack and I went walking. He made mexican corn bread for dinner and that got the contractions going! I started having contractions at 8pm. I tried to get some sleep but it was difficult. I wasn't in pain, but they were definitely annoying.
By morning, they were getting stronger. I talked to the lady I babysat for and she told me she thought my water was going to break that day. I basically said yeah right this kid is never coming! I continued having contractions but they weren't strong enough to head in yet. About 10am I thought my bag of waters was leaking. I texted Zack and said we should probably get it checked out when he got off work. The contractions were getting stronger and more consistent but I toughed them out at home. Zack came home at lunch to see how I was. I was putting make up on and sitting on my birth ball. I was still pretty happy. He went back to work and we decided he would come home around two to head in to L&D and get checked.
Zack came home at 2pm and as I was getting our bags together he took a shower. I was in a little more pain at this point. 2:11pm I was laying on my ball in the living room when I went a bubble start at the top of my belly and move down. I stood up and water started gushing! I ran upstairs to tell Zack and he had locked the door so I started screaming that my water just broke. I stood in the bathroom and laughed as I watched myself soak the bathroom. I made sure it was clear, just like we learned in class.
Since my water broke, we knew we needed to get to the hospital. You have 24 hours to deliver after your water breaks. SO off we went...

Once at the hospital, I was in a considerable amount of pain. I was shaking and was unable to control it. We sat in triage for what seemed like forever as my contractions were coming SO close together. I wasn't getting a break between them. I was determined to do this without any pain meds or an epidural. We had taken childbirth classes, but they really didn't prepare me for the intense contractions that happened once my water was broken. They checked me and I was 4cm dialated and about 80% effaced. At my appointment the week before I was barely one, so I had made some progress.
FINALLY, we got moved to a labor and delivery room. They had me hooked up to the monitors the whole time in triage so I asked to be off of them for a bit in my room. I was able to manage the pain a little better with being able to move around and work through the contractions on my ball or in the rocking chair. The nurses came in and said I was between a 4 and 5 and I had to be put back on the monitors. I could feel myself tensing up. The nurses then asked if I wanted pain meds. I was kind of upset that they asked and was glad Zack was there to help me hold off for a bit. Once I was 6cm I was still shaking and now getting sick and knew I needed to do something. I was afraid that I was stalling my labor by not being relaxed. Zack asked me about a million more times if I did indeed want the epi, I gave in and got it at 6cm. My contractions still hadn't let up and they were coming less than two minutes apart and lasting a good minute.

Once the epi was in I was a completely different person. I was on the phone with my mom and Sarah and texting everyone letting them know what was going on. I tried to sleep a little bit, but it didn't work. We had a couple friends come by to say hello which was nice. My mom and Sarah were on their way and getting close! I was 8cm and 100% effaced, not too much longer.
This is where things got a little crazy. Brayden's heart rate was going down with my contractions so I had to be put on oxygen and switch from side to side about every 20 minutes. My contractions had slowed down and I had a slight fever. They decided to start pitocin and give me some tylenol. At this point I was getting scared. I knew that epis lead to pit which in turn leads to c sections a lot of the time. Thank goodness I had my mom, Zack and Sarah there with me.

Me, Mom and Sarah-6/9/10

Daddy waiting on his baby
 I was almost complete and ready to push! Once I was 10, they had me push a couple times. Brayden wasn't a fan of the pushing and his heartrate continued to go down. They had quite a few nurses come in and out and the on call OB came in to evaluate.
She said the worst thing I could have ever heard, I needed an emergency c section. I started crying and saying no I didn't want one. I was so upset with everything, I just sat in my bed and cried. They told me I needed to consent to the c section or Brayden was going to die. I finally said yes and I was wheeled off to the OR.
It was pretty much a blur from there on out. I know Zack got to be with me but I was in and out at this point. Once in the OR they put the curtain up and prepped me for surgery pretty quickly.  Zack came and sat next to my head, and I am so glad he was there. I was terrified.
At 4:47am I heard the sweetest little cry of our baby boy! He was finally here, safe and sound. He was 8 pounds 1 ounce and 21.5 inches long. He had a big head just like mama, 36cm. Zack went to see him and then they brought him to me and I got a quick kiss before he went to the special nursery.

Brayden David Thompson

Our hospital doesn't have a real nursery so he went where the other section babies go while waiting for their mamas. I passed out at this point as I could barely keep my eyes open.

Daddy, Brayden and Grandma
Proud Daddy and Auntie Sarah
I woke up alone in recovery and started freaking out. I asked for Zack and Brayden right away. It was only 5 minutes after I asked that they came, but it felt like an eternity. I finally got to really see my precious baby boy. We were then wheeled into my post partum room where I saw my mom and Sarah for the first time. I was still exhausted but SO happy to have my baby boy.

Daddy and Grandma

One of the first times I held our baby boy

Our brand new family
We spent the next couple days in the hospital enjoying our new addition and were released on Saturday the 12th.

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