Monday, August 9, 2010

Mama goes back to the hospital

Wednesday night (June16th) we noticed Brayden was peeing blood. We had a friend come over and look at him and she said it could be because he wasn't getting any milk for so many days. We had just fixed the bfing problem so we agreed that's what it was. We were still kind of concerned and so we were going to head to the ER. I decided to change and I checked my incision to make sure I didn't need to change the pad over it before we left. I was in for a shock!
My incision was oozing and had a funny smell, this had just developed within a few hours! I was so scared and called Zack in and we called our nurse friend again. She said I had an infection! Great, what else can happen. We called triage and they said I needed to see my doctor in the morning.
Thursday morning I called the office and told them what was going on and I had an appointment within minutes. The office I go to has a stupid rule of no one under 12 so I had to go alone. I was so scared! A nurse came in and checked it out and was going to try to clean me up with peroxide and give me antibiotics. When  she went to get the doctor who did my section, I knew things were bad. She took one look and said I needed 24 to 48 hours of IV antibiotics. She then ripped open my incision which hurt more than my contractions with no pain meds! I was crying wishing I had Zack with me. She told me I was being readmitted to the hopital for a second surgery and antibiotics. I called Zack to come back for me while she wrote up orders. The nurse talked to me and told me what would happen and I couldn't stop crying. I was so scared and sad. I didn't want to be away from my baby let alone go into surgery again. Two surgeries within a week of each other.

We headed straight to the hospital where I found out I could not breast feed Brayden for 24 hours after surgery. I was dead set on breastfeeding as soon as I knew I was pregnant. I loved the time I got with Brayden and knowing it was me only who could make him grow. I was not against formula but if I can feed him, I wanted to. They told me I would have to pump and dump to keep my supply while Brayden got a bottle of formula. He hadn't had a bottle and I was so scared he wouldn't come back to me. I fed him one last time before I went to surgery and started crying.

I didn't know what kind of infection I had and what would happen to me. My baby was only a week old! I gave them both a kiss and told them I loved them. I went into surgery and Zack took Brayden home.
I made it through surgery and was so happy to see my boys waiting for me in my room when I got there.
We spent the next 4.5 days in the hospital with me getting IV antibiotics! NO FUN! I was so ready to go home. They gave me this thing called a wound vac. The doctor left my incision open, to help prevent another infection. The vac was in place of doing a wet to dry dressing change every day. This dressing only had to be changed three times a week, but I had to walk around with a purse looking thing and a tube hanging out of my pants. At least my infection was gone and I was going home!

6/20/10- Spending his first fathers day in the hospital
The three of us were SO happy to be home again.

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