Monday, August 9, 2010

Brayden's First Family BBQ in San Diego

For the past few years, my dad has been doing a family BBQ once a year at his house. This was the first year it was going to be at his and Teresa's new house in Escondido. I have always like this party we have. Dad cooks carne and we all just hang out and talk. I was nervous we wouldn't make it because of my surgery and vac. I wanted everyone to meet Brayden.
We headed out to San Diego on Friday, Brayden's first trip to San Diego. It wasn't so bad, although we did have to stop in Mission Valley so I could feed him. We got to my dad's and unloaded. Teresa's mom and step dad were in town and I hadn't seen them in quite some time. We all had dinner and just talked. I was exhausted as was Brayden and we got settled in our room at my dad's house.
Saturday was the BBQ. We got up and got ready and just hung out with Auntie Sarah until everyone started showing up. I loved showing our little bug off! We had so much fun and it was great seeing everyone.

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