Monday, August 9, 2010

Grandma and Auntie Sarah Visit July 28th-July 31st

Happy Birthday mommy! From Daddy
My mom and sister were able to make a trip out here to see us, it worked out that it was right in time for my birthday! We had a lot of fun and I know they were both happy to see him. My mom hadn't seen him since the day he was born! We just spent a few days together and not doing too much. It was nice to take it easy and relax. It was also nice to have people here during the day, it gets lonely all by my lonesone sometimes. Their vist flew by WAY too quickly and we can't wait for them to come back out!

Brayden and Grandma

Auntie Sarah Brayden and I

Auntie Sarah, Grandma, Brayden and Mama

Daddy, Grandma, Brayden and Mama

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