Monday, August 9, 2010

Brayden's first pedi appointments

We took Brayden on Monday the 14th of June to his first pediatrician appointment. He was a trooper. He got weighed and measured again. He lost quite a bit of weight, but they were not concerned at this point. Most babies lose about 10% of their weight before they start gaining. They just said to keep feeding him and bring him back on Wednesday for a weight check. My milk had come in the day before so I figured we would be good to go now.
When we got home, I was so engorged and Brayden wouldn't eat. I called the visiting nurse who helps marine families here in Yuma for advice. She said to keep trying and pump if I need to and she would be out on Wednesday.
She came on Wednesday before Brayden's appointment and we realized he was not latched on and really eating. He wasn't getting what he was supposed to from me. She weighed him here and he was 6 pounds 8 ounces, which is a huge drop from the 8 pounds at birth and 7 pounds 14 ounces he was when we were discharged. We got the breastfeeding and latch problems fixed and he gained two ounces in about 20 minutes. We went to the pediatrician and he was 6 pounds 10 ounces and they had me feed him again and he gained some more. We told his pedi what happened and he just said to keep it up now, I am so glad they didn't push formula on us once.

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