Monday, August 9, 2010

Going Home!

The pediatrician came in about 10am to check Brayden out and make sure we could take him home. She said everything looked good and they wanted to see him in a few days for his first visit in the office. Now we just had to wait on my doctor to release me.

Well it wasn't my doctor that came to release me, she is a bit of a flake and a crappy doctor at best. I never saw her during my pregnancy and was just unlucky that she was the on call OB at the time. A different doctor came in and basically said okay go home. He didn't check my incision and didn't give me and after care instructions.

We got released at 5pm and were headed home. My dad and Teresa were on their way and I was so excited to see them. I know they were excited to meet the little man. We had a nice quiet night at home with all of us. Our first night home wasn't bad at all.

We spent the next day enjoying our little man with dad and Teresa. We went to lunch and to target, little man's first outings. It was so nice to have my family out here with us, I know it's more difficult since we don't live all that close.

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