Wednesday, April 13, 2011

9 months...visit from grandpa and auntie...air show

 March 10th, Brayden turned 9 months old! Time flies and he is growing WAY too fast. At Brayden's 9 month appointment he was 19 pounds 6 ounces (55%) and 29.75 inches (90%). His doctor is very happy with his weight/height and his development! He is crawling, cruising on furniture, standing alone, walking with his push toy or anything that moves, waving, clapping and just being an all around happy boy. We are very blessed. He got his 4 top teeth too! So we are now up to 6 teeth and he looks like a kid.

The 11th, my dad and sister came out to visit! The next day we went out to El Centro and went to their air show. We had a lot of fun!

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